Anyone who has ever written a blog post knows that it’s not always easy to come up with something new to say. In fact, sometimes it feels like you’ve said everything there is to say on the topic and you’re left scratching your head, wondering what you can possibly write about next. While doing my Master’s of Content Strategy I’ve been in this situation many times.
In this article, I will explore some of the methods I rely on for finding new ideas for blog posts, as well as ways how I try to keep my writing fresh and interesting.
When it comes to writing blog posts, one of the most important things you can do when starting is brainstorm topics. Coming up with a topic that you’re interested in and passionate about will make the process much easier, and increase the chances that you’ll actually finish writing the post.
There are a few different ways I go about brainstorming topics. I usually just sit down and start thinking of interesting ideas. Then I evaluate them and decide on those that intrigue me the most. Another way to come up with topics is to look at current events or issues and see if there’s something I want to write about.
When it comes to blogging, the drafting process is, in my opinion, key. This is where I take all of my ideas and thoughts and put them down on paper (or screen) in a cohesive way. It’s kind of like creating a roadmap to see where I’m going to go with my writing. This can also be the most frustrating thing for me when writing a blog post. Sometimes I can’t seem to get my thoughts down in a cohesive way. It’s like the words are floating around in my head, but I can’t quite put them together on paper.
There are a few different ways to draft a blog post, and the method you choose will often depend on the type of post you’re writing. For example, if I’m tackling a topic that’s new to me, I start by doing some research before starting to write. That way, I have all of the facts at my fingertips and won’t have to stop in the middle of my draft to go look something up.
On the other hand, if I’m writing about a personal experience or sharing an opinion piece, I just start writing and see where the words take me. Oftentimes, these types of posts are more informal and don’t require as much precision, as this one.
No matter which approach I choose, there are a few basic things that always need to be included in a blog post draft: a headline, some introductory text, and a conclusion. I also think about possible subheadings that help me keep a red thread while writing.
I usually struggle with the main title as it’s my big chance to hook the readers and entice them to read more. I try to make it catchy and interesting, and that it accurately reflects the content of my post.
It may be strange to some, but I write the introductory text and conclusion at the end when I have most of my blog post done. Because the intro has to give the readers a brief overview of what they can expect from the rest of my post I find it easier if I have the text already written.
When I sit down to write a new blog post, I typically have a general idea of what I want to say. But the devil is in the details, and it’s often during the editing process that I really fine-tune my thoughts and make them shine. Sometimes, that means cutting out words or sentences that don’t add value, and other times it means rephrasing things until they sound just right. In the end, I want my posts to be clear, concise and engaging – so that the readers will actually want to read them!
It’s finally done! After hours of editing, reworking and agonizing over every word, my new blog post is ready for the world. I hit publish and wait with bated breath to see how it does.
Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. Either I’m rethinking my words or the post doesn’t get any readers. But I guess that’s okay. Every time I publish a new post, I’m taking a chance and putting myself out there. And whether or not it succeeds, I learn something valuable in the process. So bring on the nerves – I’m ready for whatever comes next!